Friday, May 4, 2012

Letting Go

“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that that situation is over, you cannot move forward.” 

Sometimes it just snaps. And everything that looked perfect till that moment,  starts looking a little misty, at times dark and foggy. All of us have or will face such crisis situation every now and then. It is the strength at this moment which is commendable. 
Letting go is one of the most difficult things ever. Kicking yourself out of your comfort zone and figuring things out by yourself is hard and heart breaking. Especially for those who have always had someone by their side to look up to or hold. You have by then forgotten that when you reached that someone you found the way yourself. But its just way beyond reasoning to explain it to yourself. 
At that very moment I hope someone somewhere finds me and picks me up and puts everything just back in place. All the problems, suddenly are the craving, all that I wanted to escape is exactly what I want now. If I could get one more chance I would start all over again, and so I know what to say, to whom, when and where. Of all the words, it freaking feels BAD, like someone punched you in the stomach and now u cannot even thow-up
So when you read this and feel you are down in the dumps and wish there was someone who could actually do something about the situation,  pick yourself up, put a smile on your face and say, great! there is one more like me.

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