Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Circus

Satyamev Jayate- Truth Always Triumphs. It is the emblem of India. There are 4 lions standing guard to it, but from every angle you see it, only three are visible-that is the Irony. The punch line, however true the truth is, a side of it is ignored, mostly for the larger good.

I am nor a Television Fan neither an Aamir Khan one, but I have diligently followed Satyamev Jayate for a reason that they have put together a show that is highlighting Urban Issues. Problems that are eating us, the educated youth of India like termites. It is within us but we do not realize because we do not see it. The episode telecast last Sunday was on the Medical Profession, the Dr's/Pathologist/Chemists/Pharmasists/Admisnistrators/ The Do gooders & The Evils of the profession. The episode wanted to highlight the apathy, a common man faces at the hands of Medical Men, not necessarily Doctor's. High Priced drugs, lack of knowledge, corruption at lower levels etc. It basically showed the effects of the profession at large. The audience consisted of who's-who of the Medical profession. Dr. Devi Shetty, renowned Cardiologist and Founder/Director Narayana Hryudalaya, one of the biggest Indian Hospital known for its low cost surgery and techniques. Dr. KK Talwar, Director of the Medical Council of India, An IAS officer from Rajasthan, who pioneered the generic drug concept and other luminaries of the field. The major portion of the audience consisted of young people, studying to be Doctor's in various Institution across the Country.

The Episode came to an end with Aamir Khan and all the others present there addressing the young students and telling them that when you become a Doctor tomorrow, imbibe the goodness of the profession. Some parts of the episode did seem to be biased towards the Medical fraternity, but over all I felt it was pretty balanced and was not critising any field. Once the episode came to an end, immediately my Facebook Page was covered with messages like, "support doctors, live a life of the doctor for a day, this will create distrust in my patients, we spend our youth becoming doctor's etc. etc." and it went on and on. 

I have mixed feelings upon this anger showed by the Medical Fraternity, I am happy that a portion has atleast realized that of they are being shown in bad light, they should react to it. I am saddened, deeply, that the earlier three episodes were much more gruesome, about topics that show that the society is still embroiled in cheap tactics, that a much more change needs to be seen. 

In legal terms a patient shares with his doctor a fiduciary relation. The same as a child does with his parents, a student with his teacher- PURE. that of complete trust in the other, that he will not misuse or break that trust. When that trust is broken hell should break lose and it must be shown on a platform where everyone can see it. My professor used to say, if one makes a mistake everyone should be made aware of it, so they know that they should not tread that path. That stands true for Doctor's too.

Those scared, that the patients will lose trust, either are not confident of themselves or that Aamir Khan will treat his patients. Let the issue be discussed, because till there is no clash of opinions there will be no integrity. Let us be more upright about our Rights and follow our duties. Let us drink some pesticides before the white ants eat us from the insides.

Let us think where are we and is the Country safe in our hands?

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