Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Backpack

I am taking a Holiday, so me and my blue plaster are packing and going away for a couple of days so we can both have a little change. Anyway, as I am temporarily, partially disabled, mom does the packing and I just order, which is willingly obeyed. But, I let her do all the packing without much ado, as I do not need much, where I am going also, I am gonna put my feet up and order, so why fret?

I stretch and pull my Camera and randomly start clicking picture, call out to Mom and click her very-angry-at- this-disturbance pictures. Next, I pull my backpack and  Mom goes, why do u need the bag, you already have your plaster and walking stick, kindly remember you are going to be alone. Basically I need the bag so that my camera is close to me. 

Self confessed, camera addict, amateur photographer, somehow I picked up camera skills on my own and then I read some up from here and there. I shortly plan to take up a photography course. Photography is a passion. If I have a camera, I just put it in different angles and shoot pictures. My favourite muse are my stray dogs. I click and then show it to them and derive great pleasure that they lick the screen, for nothing just out of curiosity. 

It is FREEDOM. No distractions. It is the biggest distraction in my life with the exception of Music. I remember as a child crying my eyes out and then being offered a camera to take a family picture and greedily clicking it and forgetting the tears. It is a liberating feeling. So this small trip that I take from Home to Home, is gonna be spent clicking pictures, the lonelier the better the pictures. I might not be very good at it, but it is something that makes me really happy. 

I wish I had that passion for more things in life, so much more I want to do but feel tied down. Anyway, now I am off and will be unavailable for a few days. Miss me. And please lemme know that you missed me.



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